May 20, 2022
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Spring Boot
- RequestMapping X -> GetMapping/PostMapping etc.
URL( kakao -> kakao-messages)
- REST API. URI has to be noun, and plural. No verbs.
- it’s better to set them on Common
- @Autowired field injection is not recommended due to reasons below:
- Autowired object can be changed. (it cannot be declared as ‘final’)
- Strong coupling to Spring DI(dependency Injection) container, since it relies on Spring. -> not recommended
- Violated SRP(Single Responsibility Principle)
Creating Dummy Mapper when SQL is not completed
- to be able to make a test code.
- Whenever it starts interacting with mappers (DB), transactional is recommended to keep on track.
@Validate and @Valid on Containers
- It’s recommended to check validation on Containers.
- @Validate is on the class and @Valid is for the variables to validate.
Assert on Service
- to validate variables.
- Assert(violate) “notNull” param1
Assertions.assertThat(resultId) .isEqualTo(expectedId);
controller test
- test in place
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request = get(BASE_URL) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .params(reqParam); mockMvc.perform(request) .andExpect(status().isOk()) // $.~~ seems javascript .andExpect(jsonPath("$.length()").value(3)) .andExpect(jsonPath("$.id").value(expectedId));
- test after converting map
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request = post(BASE_URL) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) // param should be consumed as String .content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(reqParam)); String result = mockMvc.perform(request) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andReturn() .getResponse() .getContentAsString(); Map<String, String> resultMap = objectMapper.readValue(result, Map.class);
StringBuilder is recommended than StringBuffer
- StringBuffer is thread-safe, but StringBuilder is not. However, Spring framework guranteed thread safety, so it’s more efficient on purformance to use StringBuilder.
- To validate null values.
junit test
- given -> when -> then
// given
vo setting
// when
SomeVO vo = createSomething();
// then
someVO resertVo = searchSomething(;
spring batch
- spring batch with chunk.
private int chunkSize;
public Job job() {
return jobBuilderFactory.get(JOB_NAME)
// to make the test easier - it will run even the arguments are the same.
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
@Bean(JOB_NAME + "Step01")
public Step step() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get(JOB_NAME + "Step01")
.<BaseDto, BaseDto>chunk(chunkSize)
@Bean(JOB_NAME + "Reader")
public MyBatisCursorItemReader<BaseDto> reader() {
return new MyBatisCursorItemReaderBuilder<BaseDto>().sqlSessionFactory(sqlSessionFactory)
@Bean(JOB_NAME + "Processor")
public ItemProcessor<BaseDto, BaseDto> processor() {
// even if the result from reader() is a list, it will give one object(BaseDto as a parameter)
return baseDto -> {
//do something
return baseDto;
@Bean(JOB_NAME + "Writer")
public MyBatisBatchItemWriter<BaseDto> writer() {
return new MyBatisBatchItemWriterBuilder<BaseDto>().sqlSessionFactory(sqlSessionFactory)
// parameter type would be automatically set as "BaseDto"
HA, high availability
- To increse the robustness, making multiple servers incase of server fails.
- There are three principles of systems design in reliability engineering which can help achieve high availability.
- Elimination of single points of failure. This means adding or building redundancy into the system so that failure of a component does not mean failure of the entire system.
- Reliable crossover. In redundant systems, the crossover point itself tends to become a single point of failure. Reliable systems must provide for reliable crossover.
- Detection of failures as they occur. If the two principles above are observed, then a user may never see a failure – but the maintenance activity must.