Jan 14, 2020
Edit me

#. Problem

Boats to Save People

1. My approach

Map with for loop

By putting numbers together, I thought it may be able to be more efficient. It wasn’t too bad except I had to debugge for 30 mins, the logic itself wasn’t so complicated, but had some edge cases. The time complexity would be O(30000^2) (length of Map^2).

 * @param {number[]} people
 * @param {number} limit
 * @return {number}
var numRescueBoats = function(people, limit) {
    let m = new Map();
    let ans = 0;
    for(let el of people){
        m.set(el, m.get(el)? m.get(el)+1:1);
    for(let el of m){
        if(el[1] === 0) continue;
        if(el[0] >= limit){
            ans += el[1];
            m.set(el[0], 0);
        else {
            let elCnt = el[1];
            for(let dif = limit - el[0];dif !== 0 && elCnt !== 0;dif--){
                let difCnt = m.get(dif);
                    // console.log(el[0] + ',' + dif);
                    if(dif === el[0]) {
                        if(el[1] >= 2){
                            ans += Math.floor(elCnt/2);
                            elCnt %= 2;
                            m.set(el[0], elCnt);
                        else continue;
                    if(elCnt > difCnt){
                        ans += difCnt;
                        m.set(dif, 0);
                        elCnt = elCnt - difCnt;
                        m.set(el[0], elCnt);
                    else {
                        ans += elCnt;
                        m.set(el[0], 0);
                        difCnt = difCnt - elCnt;
                        m.set(dif, difCnt);
                        elCnt = 0;
                ans += elCnt;
                m.set(el[0], 0);
    return ans;
Time(O(30000^2)) Space(O(30000))
284 ms 50.1 MB

2. Solution

Detail Explanations are belows:

  1. Solution page

It uses two pointer, way simpler and more efficient. Why couldn’t I see it…

The time complexity here would be O(N log N) where N = 50000, and space complexity would be, O(N) (<- due to sorting algorithm.)

Time complexity and space complexity depend on the implementation of each browsers.

But the most common JavaScript engine (V8), which is used in Chromium browsers as well as Node.js, uses an algorithm known as Timsort, which has a worst-case time performance of O(n log n) and worst-case space complexity of O(n)

by James Lave

Two Pointer

 * @param {number[]} people
 * @param {number} limit
 * @return {number}
var numRescueBoats = function(people, limit) {
    let i = 0, j = people.length-1, ans = 0;
    while(i <= j){
        if(people[i] + people[j] <= limit){
        else {
    return ans;
Time(O(N log N)) Space(O(N))
160 ms 46.3 MB

3. Epilogue

What I’ve learned from this exercise:

  • Be more intuitive I guess.