Oct 21, 2020
Just to not forget about this method, since it's quite clever.
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#. Intro

I’ve started solving algorithm exercises again, and as doing so, I wanted to write somewhere down of what I’ve learned.

1. To figure out if a variable is prime.

This one is quite clever.

a. Mostly, one can start dividing from 2 to the target number, which will be O(n) as follows:

bool isPrime(int num){
    for(int i=2; i<num; i++){
        if(num % i == 0) return false;
    return true;

However, the previous one, as you can see, is pretty slow compares to others below. If you think about it, dividing by numbers that is bigger than target/2. For example, when our target number is 90, dividing it by 46 won’t get any integer value. Thereby, you can lower N to N/2 with this.

b. Dividing till n/2 as follows:

bool isPrime(int num){
    for(int i=2; i <= num/2; i++){
        // num/2 has to be included(due to 2)
        if(num % i == 0) return false;
    return true;

This still would make O(N) tho. Here is the one that I was impressed. You can divide it till sqrt(target).

For N to not be a prime number, it should be able to be divided with 1, N, and at least two more(let’s say them p and q).

  1. If one of p or q is bigger than sqrt(target), the other will be smaller than sqrt(target).

  2. If they are both bigger than sqrt(target), then p > sqrt(target) * q > sqrt(target) would be bigger than target number itself.

  3. If it’s both smaller than sqrt(target), then p < sqrt(target) * q < sqrt(target) would be smaller than target number itself.

Only 1st scenario would meet the constraint, therefore either p or q has to be smaller than sqrt(target)

And this will give O(sqrt(N)) of complexity, which is a huge improvement.

c. Dividing till sqrt(N):

bool isPrime(int num){
    for(int i=2; i*i < num; i++){
        if(num % i == 0) return false;
    return true;

2. To figure out if multiple variables are prime.

It’s convenient to have a sorted array in this situation, which you can make it as such:

bool prime[N]= {false,};
int count = 0;

for(int i = 2; i <= N; i++){
    if(prime[i] == false){
        for(int j = i+i; j <= N; j += i){
            prime[j] = true;

This code won’t work due to ‘N’ in C++, you have to statically assign number :pensive:

3. Epilogue

This really gave me thoughts on how much it could be easy if you know some mathematic stuff..