Jan 01, 2021
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#. Problem

Largest Rectangle In Histogram

1. My approach

3 for loops

Even though it has 3 for loops, due to ‘i = j’, it’s time complexity should be O(N^2).

 * @param {number[]} heights
 * @return {number}
var largestRectangleArea = function(heights) {
    let h = 1;
    // let max = heights.reduce((r, item)=>Math.max(r, item), 0);
    let m = new Set()
    // let m = [];
    heights.forEach(item => m.add(item));
    let curAns = 0;
    for(let me of m){
        for(let i = 0; i < heights.length; i++){
            if(heights[i] >= me){
                let j = i+1;
                while(j < heights.length && heights[j] >= me) j++;
                // console.log(`${h}일때, ${i}부터 ${j}까지`)
                curAns = Math.max(curAns, (j-i)*me);
                i = j;
    return curAns;

2. Mono Stack

monostack: stack which has the following invariant: elements inside will be always in increasing order.

Detail Explanations are below:

  1. [Discussion page](https://leetcode.com/problems/largest-rectangle-in-histogram/discuss/995249/Python-increasing-stack-explained

It only takes O(N) time.


We will store indexes in a stack. Since it’s a mono-stack, when the top element of the stack is we have to pop it, and we will calculate possible rectangles, but getting width is tricky. Hopefully that comment would help.

 * @param {number[]} heights
 * @return {number}
var largestRectangleArea = function(heights) {
    let stack = [];
    let curAns = 0;
    for(let i = 1; i < heights.length; i++){
        while(heights[i] < heights[stack[stack.length-1]]){
            let idx = stack.pop();
            // console.log(`${heights[idx]} -> ${i},${idx}`)
            // i - stack[stack.length-1] - 1 : if there's still elements in stack,
            // it would means that it was small enough to not get popped which means,
            // it can't be bigger than 'curHeight'.
            // i : is when stack is empty.
            // good example case for this would be, [2,1,6,5,2,3] => ans: 10
            let curHeight = heights[idx];
            let curWidth = stack.length? i - stack[stack.length-1] - 1 : i;
            curAns = Math.max(curHeight * curWidth, curAns);
    return curAns;
  Time Space
My approach - O(N^2) 520 ms 41.1 MB
Mono Stack - O(N) 76 ms 42.1 MB

3. Epilogue

What I’ve learned from this exercise:

  • Well. I should know how to use stack more creatively by now..