March 17th, 2021
Greedy algorithm/DP
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#. Problem

Problem link

1. My approach

This is actually a problem that I was asked on an interview, and I honestly had no idea how to solve it. And Thankfully I had a chance to look at it once more on Leetcode, but I still couldn’t even guess how to.

2. Solution

  1. Solution page
  2. Discussion page

It took me for a while to actually understand the meanings of variables. I always thought DP is difficult to understand with codes.

class Solution {
    int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices, int fee) {
        int potential_balance = -prices[0];
        int balance = 0;
        for(const auto& p : prices){
            // whether you are not selling it(balance),
            // or sell it which you bought it at 'potential_balance'
            balance = max(balance, p - (-potential_balance) - fee);
            potential_balance = max(potential_balance, balance - p);
        return balance;   


potential_balance’ in ‘i’ index is a potential balance which, considering you bought it on ‘prices[i]’, how much you’ll have. For example, it starts with ‘potential_balance = -prices[0]’, which means, since you have 0 ‘balance’, if you were to buy a stock at the moment, that will be ‘-prices[0]’.


balance’ is how much you have at the moment.

Try to do it with your hands, step by step, it’ll help you to understand.

Time - O(n) Space - O(1)
92 ms 55 MB

3. Epilogue

What I’ve learned from this exercise:

  • To understand DP, it’s better to follow it step by step with your own hands.